Tamiya Porsche 962c door upgrade kit instructions

Tamiya Porsche 962c door upgrade kit instructions

 You can buy this upgrade kit HERE right on our store!

The area shaded in red is the area that needs to be removed, on both sides with in that area.

Use a Dremel to grind out the area on the door. You dont have to be perfect, but try your best to keep with in the red area.

Use Dremel to grind out the red highlighted area

sand down the edges with freshly cutout area

sand the edges as smooth as possible around the freshly cut out areas

Glue the resin door inserts into place. You don't need to be 100% perfect. Just get it close enough. 

Add as much superglue as needed under the resin door inserts

Apply Apoxie-sculpt to the gaps and sand smooth


Remove the areas in red on the cockpit area, this insures the new resin door parts fit.


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